Lagrange Awards
The winner of NSC08 Lagrange Award was Professor Nail Ibragimov from Sweden.
The award committee on Nonlinear Science and Complexity is listed below
1) Professor Albert Luo (USA)-Chair
2) Professor Ziya B. Guvenc (Turkey)
3) Professor J.A. Tenreiro Machado (Portugal)
4) Professor Dumitru Baleanu (Turkey)
5) Professor Marian Gidea (USA)
NSC Lagrange Award
The award committee on Nonlinear Science and Complexity solicits
nominations for the 2010 Lagrange award. This award, along with an
honorarium and plaque, will be presented at the 3rd Conference on
Nonlinear Science and Complexity NSC'10 which will be held on July 28th
and 31th, 2010, in Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey.
The LAGRANGE AWARD, established in 2008, is presented in recognition of
lifetime contributions to the teaching and practice of nonlinear science
and complex systems. The recipient will be invited to give the Lagrange
Keynote Lecture at the above conference.
Nomination packages should include a letter of nomination, 3 to 5 letters
of support, the nominee's curriculum vitae, and other supporting
documents, if any. All nomination packages must be submitted
The deadline for the receipt of nomination packages is July 14, 2010.
Submit all nomination packages and inquiries to the Awards Chair listed